Keep in the loop: check out St Mark’s UNEchurch and Christians United facebook pages.

Starting university is an exciting time; new freedoms, new friends and new opportunities to grow and explore.
Whether you are a Christian looking to deepen your faith,
or checking out Jesus for the first time,
UNEchurch is a great place to be.

Night Church @ UNEchurch (6:30 PM)

We love our gathering at 6:30pm, it’s exciting to see so many uni students wanting to know more about Jesus. Come along and find uplifting music, solid teaching, great supper, and a forum to find answers to your questions. It’s a great community to be a part of as a uni student, we hope you feel warmly welcomed to come and be a part of our community!

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Christians United

This is the student-led AFES group on campus. A great way to get involved in mission at UNE, to be trained up as followers of Jesus, and to do fellowship with other Christian students. We run social and evangelistic events, bible studies, camps and prayer groups all year long.


International Students

At St Mark’s we believe the Gospel is good news for everyone, so we love welcoming international students! From International Bible Study and International Students Morning Tea, to the full range of services and camps, we’d love to help you find friends, be well-connected, and get to know Jesus. Get in touch via the link below or just turn up on Sunday. We’d love to welcome you!


Graduate Fund

The student ministry at UNE has been extraordinarily fruitful for many years. Thousands have been impacted by the Gospel and many have gone on into lives of ministry near and far. It remains as strategic as ever, with opportunities for evangelism, discipling and training Gospel workers abounding. As wonderful as the ministry has been, there is much more to be done to take advantage of the opportunity at UNE.

The Christians United Graduate Fund is aimed at resourcing the mission of Jesus here, in partnership with Christians United. It is administered by an independent board which directs funding to campus ministry, including:
1. supporting ministry workers in Gospel work on Campus
2. training schemes like MTS, investing in long term.
For this ministry to thrive and grow, it needs the committed generosity of people like you! Partnering financially with the CUGF will grow Gospel work at UNE and beyond. Please consider a generous, long term contribution. This can done with the bank details below.

For more information check out CUGF website:
Bank details: BSB932-000 AccountNumber: 751477 Account Name: UNE CU Graduates Fund