Find out more about Jesus
All about Jesus
We believe Jesus is the most significant person in history and that life is all about him. That’s why he’s at the centre of everything we do as a church, and it’s why we’d love to help you discover who he is for yourself.
Got questions about Jesus?
Investigating Christianity events
If you would like to investigate the claims that Jesus makes in the Bible & ask questions, then we would love you to come along to one of our Investigating Christianity events. All welcome!
Contact us
Alternatively, fill out a connect card with your question/s & one of our staff members will get back to you.
Office drop-in hours
We also have office drop in hours during the week, and anyone is welcome to pop into our Ministry Centre during those times to connect with a Pastor, ask questions, or just have a chat!
Our Drop-In Hours are currently 9-3pm Tuesdays and Thursdays.
If you already trust and follow Jesus, baptism is a wonderful opportunity to express your personal faith in him as a public testimony to others. In baptism we celebrate the new life given to you through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
We host baptism services 2-3 times a year at St Mark’s UNEchurch. If you are thinking about being baptised or just have some questions, please connect with us so we can help you take the next steps.