We’ve got a stack of stuff happening for adults at all ages & stages

Growth Groups
Growth groups are a key place of encouragement and belonging. As we read the word together, and pray for one another, we get to know God and each other well. Along with serving, Growth Groups are one of the key ways to get connected at church.

God has given us gifts and skills to serve Him! Alongside Growth Groups, serving is one of the key ways to get connected at church.

Greyt Group
Greyt Group is by seniors for seniors, based around aims of serving, spiritual growth and social fellowship. We aim to not only include in our membership older members of our congregation but others who might enjoy the fellowship of a more “mature” group. In addition to social activities, we plan and host focused seminars on various topics particularly relevant to seniors and support children’s ministry preparation.
Annual conferences for Adults

Usually held on a Friday evening and Saturday in early March in Glen Innes, Men@Glen is the Armidale Diocese men’s conference, designed to encourage men in their walk with God. You’ll find out more in the events area when registrations are open.

New Life Women's Conference
Usually held in September in Tamworth, NEW LIFE is a one-day Bible teaching conference organised by the Anglican Diocese of Armidale for the women of the New England and North West. You’ll find out more in the events area when registrations are open.

Next Phase Conference
Next Phase Conference is designed to encourage those over 50 to keeping walking well with the Lord, and to help them to look at the unique opportunities age and wisdom bring to serve the Lord. Usually held in Armidale around May each year. You can find out more in the events area when registrations are open.