Armidale Youth Futures Garage Sale

Starts: 8:30 am 14 September, 2024
Ends: 1:00 pm 14 September, 2024

AYF’s annual Monster Garage Sale will be held on Saturday 14th September from 8:30AM-1PM at Armidale District Baptist Church (on the corner of Jessie and Rusden Sts, next to Service NSW). The AYF Monster Garage Sale is one of AYF’s annual major fundraising events which helps support the teaching of SRE (Scripture) in our public schools. 

Items for sale will include: collectibles & books, CDs, furniture & toys, coffee & cakes, kitchenware, electricals, manchester and nik-naks of every variety. Come along and enjoy the fun!

If you have collectibles, furniture, toys, books, cakes, electricals, knick-knacks, kitchenware, manchester, etc. that you’d like to donate, please deliver them to the Baptist Church carpark on Friday 13 September 2024, or contact Graham Truscott at or 0458 733 711. PLEASE NOTE: NO CLOTHES WILL BE ACCEPTED

Embrace will be running a cake/sweets stall at the AYF garage sale & would greatly appreciate donations of cakes & slices for that. If you would like to donate a cake, slices, sweets etc., please bring your donation with a list of ingredients to the sale after 8:30AM on the Saturday morning.

We need helpers for all of the following at the AYF Monster Garage Sale:

  • Friday 13th September from 12PM to help unpack boxes and set up all the items for sale inside the hall.
  • Saturday 14th September at 8AM or midmorning to help sell the items.
  • Saturday 14th September at 1:00PM to be part of the ‘cleaning up’ team to help pack up leftover items and do a general cleanup.

If you are able to help out at any of the following times for a couple of hours, please contact Melinda Millican via email: or PH. 0439 476 422.

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